The Basement

September 22
The basement is for you relax in Down Town together with friends.
Location & Phone
No.785, Mahabandoola Road, Lamadaw Township, Yangon.
Contact Phone: 01-229173
Open Hours
10:00 am – 11:00 pm
Establishment & AIM
Establishment on 27th March 2016, the shop makes for real basement with broader space. A little off to central Yangon, it is reliable for relaxation in any season.
Menu Items
The menu is not great in number, like: finger food, pasta, steak, satary (teriyaki or bulgogi sauce), snack & noodle, coffe & tea, beer, wine & cocktail, park chop. Steaks are local and Australian.
Drinks run from K 2,000- K8,000 at most. Foods are K 4,000/ K 5,000 at least.
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