U Myint, a renowned Myanmar economist , wrote a paper name ” Myanmar: Going from Pause to Fast Forward with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) ” for UMFCCI (Union of Myanmar Federation
Chin Tribes are divided into three groups; the Northern Chin, the Central Chin and the Southern Chin. The Central and Southern Chin women used to tattoo their cheeks from the

At Saidin, the head of the creek and valley region, and saddle of Mayu mountain range, in Maungtaw District in Rakhine State, are the Mro; one of the tribes of

Mrauk Oo was the last Royal Kingdom of the Rakhine Dynasty. The ancient royal walls, moat and strongholds are still there, giving a reminder of the customs, traditions, belief and

Toddy palm is Myanmar native that grows wild or is cultivated in any part of the country. But the dry

in Ma Yar is a kind of Burmese Street Food and so delicious. These delicious corner snacks are many common

A Kayan national tribe, called “Yin Baw” lives in Demauso Township. Their name was given to them by the Shan

Coconut is the fruit of a coconut palm which is a tall tree. Botanically termed “cocos nucifera, it is native

Ninety-five percent of the Shan tribes are Therevada Buddhists, so there are many pagodas, monasteries and prayer halls scattered around
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Monti is a kind of Rakhine food. It mainly includes Rakhine-style noodles, flaked fish both raw or fried, garlic and pepper, garnished with chopped coriander, some drops of edible oil