Steps initiated by Rolls Royce in Myanmar
Inan Grant

The Rolls Royce, UK – based luxury vehicle, was bought by BMW in 1998. Its sale numbered 3,630 globally in 2013. With a demand on the part of the superrich in Asia, the Middle East and East Asia, the Rolls Royce is prepared to pene-trate Myanmar market. What are its initial steps was asked of the Rolls Royce’s global client sales manager Ian Grant, as follows:
Work experience
I entered financial services industry in 2001, when UK’s car market was expanding with considerable momentum. By 2011, I was Regio-nal sales corporate, sales Manager of BMW group. In January 2014, I transferred from UK to Singapore to work for Rolls – Royce Motor Car, globally. Now our global experience has led us to aspire to have hotels, casinos, luxury, jet companies for the rich. Now we are conscious of the necessary meaures on how to inspire the Market, to identify luxury travellers worthy of Rolls Royce services, and to get that to guests at 5-6- star hotels and owners of private Residence or Private Villa.
How is Rolls Royce different than other cars
The Rolls Royce is singular, in the motor car world of fierce competition. What I can say is, A Rolls Royce motorist would be smiling, be it that person’s first – time, or 100 th, drive. Their first priority is to slip onto a Rolls Royce seat. When a Rolls Royce passes by, there will be onlookers who try to see the supposed gentlefolk inside it. When a Rolls Royce car is coming behind you, it is instantly identifiable as the Rolls Royce Brand even at some distance.
Why choose Myanmar Market
It’s for sure. The Customer Result shows local demand exists. We have outfits with person-nel and manager to give full support and same-day service to Customers. Customer demand in Myanmar has led to importing of Rolls Royce cars mainly from Thailand, Middle East and US.
Until now we are not permitted yet to set up a Dealership. We’re watching and guessing. Over time we will have at least three companies. We are looking for the most suitable partner, Before local market, environmental awareness must be taken into consideration. Rolls Royce is part of BMW’s Group, so its important for us to have enviromental awareness and set up a Green Company. Our would-be dealership also must be strictly compatible with these require-ments.
What risk does your entry into Myanmar carry?
A 100- plus demand for Rolls Royce car decides Rolls Royce brand be introduced to Myanmar community. Because of present Myanmar circumstances we don’t have a business plan or dealership yet. Then there is the tax for luxury vehicle.
In this Hospitality and Tourism Corference 2015 we have enhanced awareness of the Rolls Royce luxury brand among the attendees and governmental personnel.
How far would you go in Brand expansion in Myanmar?
We have a dealership each in Vietnam, Cambo-dia, etc. The same should be enough for Myan-mar. However we must have service centres set up in most suitable places. Currently BMW partner have a service centre each in Yangon and Mandalay, and they can officially service Rolls Royce parts. In the future four more deal-erships are expected, and service centres will appear up north and down south of the country. We expect to sell 10 – 15 cars per year.
Warranty matters
All Rolls Royce cars carry four-year warranty in service and maintenance, and roadside assistance of the same term. Ours is best level service, naturally.
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