Daw Shwe Yee Win Lei (a) Goldie

HR role in today businesses has become very important, to be handled at the top by women also. With a track record of 20 years in HR Daw Shwe Yee Win Lei is in such a position at the MNC of Telenor.
Your responsibilities at Telenor Please
Senior Vice President, Head of People Partners and Development, and I am responsible for HR affairs and their development.
Why the choice and the year you joined the company…
Telenor Myanmar offer came while I was at Roche Pharmaceutical Company as HR & Admin Director responsible for three new markets of Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. Beside my interest in Telecom Industry I am hungry for new challenges. Telenor as a pro-plecantric organization made me decide in its favour. I joined it on 1st December, 2013 as Head of HR Operations.
Your Education….
I am a B.Sc (Physics) graduate from Univer-sity of Distance Education. I also studied for Extended Diploma in HR Management offered by the Association of Business Executive (ABE) Currently. I am on the MBA program arranged by Chin Dwin College. It is a program for Working Executive offered by University of Sunderland, UK.
Your work experiences…..
It is almost 23 years because I started working in April 1993, and HR career of 20 years at that. Others: Korean Embassy; Traders Hotel (present-day Sule Shangri-La Hotel); Lufthansa Airline Catering (LSG Sky Chef); British American Tobacco (TMS & RPMM); American Embassy, and Roche Pharmaceutical. After American Embassy I was Freelance Consultant (OD & HRM) for one years.
What quantities are required of a HR Exe-cutive?
As my conviction goes: A modern-day HR Practitioner Professional must be able to draw up wholesome HR policies, and be well proactive in ture with the changing times because employees are entitled to fair and well-regulated rights. Most importantly one must be knowingly ready to stand one’s ground while moving among the company, owner, management, employees, and the Ministry of Labour.
Then the HR person needs to be well know-ledgeable about one’s own company, business, and aim, budget, operational objective, values and strategy, host country’s labour laws and legal practices, best business practices fun-ctioning in that country, and HR market.
Again, HR-related experience and know-ledge should be well-grounded in theory and practice. Then an understanding of host people’s culture and traditional customs is called for Moreover, broad-mindedners, openness, fair-ness, critical thinking and decisiveness are necessary. Another particular quality is to know how to find HR information, and how to under-stand and apply it. Critical thinking followed by just decision is very important.
How do you handle the personal as Depart-ment Head?
I would like to go for cooperative work in unity, like siblings, rather than high official and subordinate relationship. Firstly I try to know of one’s strengths and weaknesses, his thought and view, to assign tasks appropriate to his strengths.Weaknesses are pointed out and corrected. Individual’s strengths and weaknesses are made known to other co-workers for correction through mutual help. I offer them what information. I could offord to give to get their idea and suggestion. Regular meetings are held to have individual employees’ advan-tages and disadvantages under discussion, and get a corrective help from the other party. All my teams are found to be open-minded and in unity. One’s success, or setback, is accepted as belonging to all, so the work process runs so smooth.
Memorable occasions on the job…
On my first job with an all-Korean-script computer. I had to memorize, like, To tap F4 how many times followed by one on Enter for Document Save. Afterwards, fresh into HR field I had to sit down with HR Director to cut 100-plus jobs, to great sorrow of a lot of people. Once, without any notice before a crowd I was asked to instantly translate into Myanmar Language what an ambassador was saying in English.
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