Myanmar’s growth in tourism has created a demand for more hotel accommodation. There has been a growing trend in today’s tourist industry towards creating tourist attractions in addition to just

Water Hyacinth botanically named “Eichhomia crassipes” is called ေဗဒါပန္း (Beda flower) in Myanmar. Originally it is an aquatic plant of the Amazon basin, is often considered a highly problematic invasive species

If you go along the approach road to the Union Business Centre (UBC), you’ll see a lovely two-storeyed building on the left side. On the ground floor of the building

The Myanmar Water 2014 to raise consciousness in the public of the significance of water management was held from 22-24 October, 2014 at Tatmadaw Convention Hall, Yangon. The exhibition with

Myanmar’s first ever Halloween-themed Potato Ghost Contest was jointly held on October 15 by MyLann and Potato Break of Myanmar

Photographer Kyaw Kyaw Win (Swai Taw Yeik) held his 8th solo exhibition entitled Beautiful Myanmar from 25-29 October, 2014 at

Aiming to revive the nearly extinct bamboo-framed lantern, Myanmar International Television (MITV) organized and held Paper Lantern Festival 2014 on

It was noticeable that India Myanmar 2014 Trade and Investment Show held September 24-27 at Tatmadaw Convention Hall attracted a

TODAY got a chance to interview Dr Mie Mie Winn Byrd, the president of Suu Foundation and here is what
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Yangon, 27 Nov__ The Embassy of Denmark in Myanmar was opened on Thursday in Yangon. The opening ceremony was attended