Air China will offer, starting early April, a new Yangon-Kunming-Chendu route daily, leaving Yangon Airport at 12:15pm. It arrives Kunming at 3:45pm, thence to depart at 4:55pm to arrive Chengdu

By Dr Sein Maung In making decision for laws and economic policies, it is needed to reflect practical conditions so that fair and truly beneficial laws and policies can be

Asian Geographic Magazine Pte Ltd, based in Singapore,has successfully organized The Asia Without Borders Photo Competition which welcomed this year’s contestants until 31st October, 2013. When the winners were announced,

Gabriele Villa and Sorcha Hellyer are Brand Ambassadors for Myanmar having launched the country’s first nation-branding campaign which has aired globally on BBC World News and Channel News Asia. They run Image

As if penetrating a very prospective markets, Baker & McKenzil has opened in Yangon its 16th branch of the Asia-Pacific,

As a country’s economy grows, so does its need for a better infrastructure, and with it there also comes a

Easy do-it-yourself recipe for Myanmar snack_traditional delicacy. Ingredients: Glutinous Rice – 3 tins Rice – 1 tin Brown Jaggery –

Just opposite to the three capitals of Myanmar kings Inwa, Amarapura and Mandalay and running along the west bank of
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General Electric (GE) Lighting and Krislite recently announced they will work together in Myanmar, the former providing solutions for lighting