Interview with Producer Lonzo Lim Der Woei

You have probably seen Road to Hope, the TV ad produced in Myanmar wherein two children from Bagan manage to come over to Yangon to participate in Coca-Cola-arranged journey of FIFA World Cup. Its director, producer and photographer were from abroad. A TV ad, usually short, is deceptively easy and simple, what with a great deal of resources it needs–technology, money, and time, let alone enthusi-asm of its creators, said Singaporean Lonzo Lim Der Woei. This producer is interviewed by TODAY as follows:
First introduce your self please . . .
I’m Lonzo Lim Der Woei, a Singaporean. My company is Two Monkeys Films, set up in Bangkok, Thailand. I’ve been into advertising for about two decades. Before my company appeared I had collaborated with advertising agencies for eight years.
How did you get around to production?
I was a difficult youth. I thought studying for GCE O Level was a waste of time. At aged only 16 I dropped out, to pursue what I liked, and had a short stint as a salesman. Then at aged 17 I served the mandatory 2-year military ser-vice, required of every Singaporean male. I tried to learn graphics design, found it unsatisfy- ing but was taken into an advertising agency by a friend.
This livelihood, though casual to me, is amazing. Whether you fancy it or not, it demands great efforts. Advertising work has different opportunities but calls for different innovative ways of thinking. Different sorts of people you meet with are a great challenge also. But that oppeals to me.
What is a Producer in advertising?
To me it was like climbing one step at a time because I hadn’t attended academic course but learnt only through observation in practice. I believe a producer must know the whole production process, and human skills also.
A Producer’s criteria and ethics?
I believe that nothing is impossible to a good producer. There’s no way for him to create an ad dependent on a site available. That’s why I say ‘Nothing is impossible, everything is open to creation.’ And his conduct should go: Sleep well with mindfulness, and give yourself to a production 100 percent to achieve the best.
How do you keep feeding your ever-present need for innovation?
I watch commercial video ads. In the movie department, I watch out for flashbacks.
Your masterpiece of an ad?
It could be the IKEA ad, which won Cannes Lions International Special Advertising Award. It was the first such award for Singapore too. It is an achievement long past, but seems worth still to me for my efforts.
What basic knowledge is needed to become a Producer?
As I said, I haven’t had an academic training. It seems to me disciplined smartness and knowledge are greatly important. The two seem similar but the former is freer and easier to learn than book-derived knowledge. Therefore smartness to move about with ease in a fast-changing world is essential.
How to prepare to become a would-be Producer?
That’s a good question. I haven’t a ready answer because I’ve made it through work experience, climbing a step at a time. Perhaps it was luck which made me a Producer. I think academic preparation is needed though courses and school lessons do not make for a practical basic to becoming a Producer.
Have you been to Myanmar?
Yes, as a tourist three years ago. Traffic jams only are new now. There isn’t much change. Back then I took many photos at Mandalay, Bagan and Inle which have most beautiful scenery. At home I held a photo exhibition in collaboration with a friend and an NGO, realizing USD 3,000. Prices weren’t fixed and it was like a non-profit. All proceeds went to Red Cross Society.
Which destinations are most appealing to you? What about Myanmar foods?
To me Inle could be the best, then in most pleasant season of February. Imagine myself in a boat ride on Inle waters, with the gulls flying about, fishermen at work, greenish mountains all around in the distance. It was picturesque and peaceful. Myanmar foods are oily; at first I was tempted to scoop it out. But Myanmar-style buffet is delicious, with dish after dish being served.
Do you think well of Myanmar culture, Myanmar hospitality?
Myanmar is transforming with increasing trans-parency. I don’t wish Western culture influence overwhelming the populace, like in Singapore or Thailand. Maybe I’m getting older because I’ve begun to appreciate Myanmars’ take -it-easy ways. Western culture influence is yet to reach its apex here. I appreciate most Myanmar, man or woman, in their nether garment. I barely have my longyi holding up, after getting help from hotel staff. Nexy time around I might be able to wear a longyi with a pocketbook or a key-chain tucked in hanging at the waist.
Do you have any plan for commercial investment in Myanmar?
I plan to set up a business in Myanmar which is sort of an emerging country. Formerly I had no contacts so made enquiries at Singapore-Myanmar chamber of commerce. At present Myanmar really needs a lot of advertising business which welcomes foreigners best. I hope to open a company in Myanmar.
As a would-be foreign investor, what do you want to know first?
The Foreign Investment Law, then I would like to investigate prospective local partners.
Coca-Cola advertising work brought together agency, director, producer and photographer who were unknown to one another. How did you as Producer manage to bring the project to a successful conclusion?
As a Buddhist, I believe in kamma and its resultant. Even as strangers, the best script writer, photographer, designers, director and other work mates together against beautiful natural surroundings have made time for a success. What we achieved in 10 days’ time preparation and shooting time included, starting from zero to end in 100% success, never existed in my career. It was no simple shoot setting, but spread over two big cities accompanied by challenges, rain or shine. I take pride in finishing the shooting all together. Yet on my first arrival here, I was turned back home for incomplete forms. Therefore the efforts we put forth earlier had been well compensated by the result we achieved later.
To what extent is location inportant to produce a good advertisement?
Location is very important. Foreign advertising agencies come to Myanmar because of loca-tion. Coca-Cola project is named Road to Hope, thus invisting to be reinforced with great scenery of natural beauty all along the route.
What about technical inputs?
Correct.Technical inputs play a major role. Present Myanmar status is gradually allowing in cutting edge products of great brands. Currently domestic production is comfortable with the available technology. For a shoot setting to achieve success, enthusiasm of those working hard behind it are the crucial factor. It will become everything.
Your words of a present to the readers . . .
These times in a flux of good and bad Myanmar must choose and decide on what it wants and how to achieve that. I have no time left for meditation, though I’m a Buddhist. My words of a present is, I sleep with mindfulness; I shun evil, and never choose wrong ways. May the readers live with mindfulness always.
Thank you for your time given to this interview.
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