Very Rare Melo Pearl

How does the Melo Pearl come to be?
In the same way as pearls. The Melo Pearl is found at the bottom of Muddy Sea, at about 30-50 metre deep. A speck of foreign body enters the Coconut Shell, and it grows layer by layer.
Where is it usually found in Myan-mar?
Along Myanmar coast like Rakhine State, Dawei, Myeik, Kawthoung, Bokeb-yin, etc. Those discovered in Myeik Archipelago generally reach Myeik fo trade.
The Price low or otherwise…..
The price is usually set based on Melo Pearl’s colour, form, size and Flame Structure quality.
Some Melo Pearls have silky flame-like structures on their surface. Some have milky shade. Some others have spots.
Melo Pearls with Flame Structrures are preferred in the market Colour and Structure need to be balanced and beautiful. A Melo Pearl beautiful on one side only and lacking proportionateness, will fetch less price on the market. Such pearls go to the jeweller’s shop. The rich Myanmar people like to wear those ornaments.
Pearls chicken yolk coloured are preferable; in fact such Melo Pearls fetch the best prices. Some are light coloured up to that of ivory. The lighter the colour, the lower the price.
Then the kalat weight is important. A pearl of more weight means more value. Even a lowly pearl will cost one around kyats 100,000 per kalat. A much better pearl may fetch kyats 300,000 – 400,000 per kalat. Most marketable sizes are the pearls of 50 kalat and under. Above 50 kalat up to 100 kalat, the pearl would demand a great price so it needs to be beautiful enough to win over a prospective buyer.
In What jewelry does the Melo Pearl feature?
Under-50 kalat Melo Pearls are mostly inlaid in brooches and pendants. Bigger ones would go into a collection of very rare gems.
Who favour them?
They are more favoured by the Swiss, Italians, Americans and the English. The Chinese prefer golden colored pearls. We haven’t got to sell the Melo Pearl on the Chinese market yet. The Melo Pearl is for the collector of rarities who love articles of beauty rarely found on the market.
Melo Pearl boutiques in Yangon
The Market is just so-so. How many sellers globally, it is easy to count them. Even in Yan-gon there is no Melo Pearl seller per se. They feature in jewelry shops. This rare article is always on sale at our shop at Bogyoke Market.
We Myeik natives are in constant contact with regular dealers, from Kaw-thoung, Rakkine, Thai Border, or whatever, and buy those precious articles to be in readi-ness for a prospective sale.
How to differentiate a Melo Pearl?
Generally they are circular shape, but perfectly circular ones are rare. On first sight it might seem to be a yellow gemstone. The diameter is 52mm, more or less. Its special attribute is great attractiveness. Handling it to rotate by hand, its hair-like tuft seems to go erect to the viewer.
Why wear it?
It is worn as an amulet. It is regarded as something that averts evil.
Translated by Khin Aung (Eng)
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