Topcon Surveying Products Seminar 2015 co-organized by Concordia International Co.,Ltd and Topcon Singapore Positioning Sales Pte Ltd was held 15-8-2015 at Novotel Hotel, Pyay Road, Yangon. Concordia International is authorized
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Yangon, October 31, 2014 __ A new World Bank Group survey in Myanmar finds that reforms of the country’s investment climate are urgent across a number of areas, especially access

August 28, 2014 – U.S. companies in ASEAN expect investment expansion, workforce growth, and profit increases in 2015 according to the ASEAN Business Outlook Survey released today at the ASEAN

The first-ever Survey on Businesses in Myanmar was briefly explained by UMFCCI on 6-5-2014. It was conducted through the cooperation of UMFCCI with OECD and UNESCAP, to be also aided
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Wong Marn-Heong, Assistant Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singa-pore, presented ASEAN-BAC Survey at