Myanmar Global Investment Forum and Myanmar Connect 2015 opened with ceremony on 15-9-2015 at MICC 2, Nay Pyi Taw, where-upon Euromoney Institutional Investor’s CEO Mr Tong Shale spoke words of

In the afternoon on 1-8-2015 at the Yangon Gallery of People’s Park was held Global Village: Bringing the world to Myanmar event whereat young people gave explanatory talks on culture,

Over 14 million jobs globally are at risk in the Travel & Tourism industry, if Governments and private sector companies do not act now to address the talent shortage in

The first major telecoms show in Yangon opens with key themes “Mobile Services-New Engine for Economic Growth” and “Satellite Sovereignty” 18 November 2014 – CommuniCats Myanmar 2014 opens today, and

On 4 August at Sule Shangri-La Hotel, Maybank, the third largest Southeast Asian bank by market capitalization, conducted a seminar

The various “i-Profile: Emerging Myanmar” 2′-minute infomercials start broadcasting globally on Bloomberg today, Monday 19th May 2014, across Asia, EMEA, and the
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It is almost undeniable that global economy is linked to the U.S. economy. When the U.S. economy shrinks and the