Ta-ang (palaung)

The Ta-ang (Palaung) live in a number of places in Myanmar, mainly in northern/southern Shan State, Kutkhaing, Muse, Namasang region, Kalaw region and southern Shan State . Their main home is Namsang town in the Taungpaing region of Northern Shan State, where tea was first grown in Myanmar. Namasang is a highland town , 184 miles from Mandalay and 72 miles from Lashio.
The Ta-Ang are also known as the Kunloi in the Shan language and the Ponion by the Chinese. Ponion means the Dragon Man; the Pon meaning Man, and the Lon meaning Dragon. The Myanmar people adopted the Chinese name for the Ta-Ang and, over time , it has changed slightly to become the Palaung, as they are known today .
Growing tea on the ridges of the mountain ranges is the main traditional agriculture for the highlanders. The Palaung climb the mountains to pluck the young green leaves . There is a saying that if you want to eat a fime tea-leaf, the Palaung must climb the mountain slowly.
The Ta-Ang tribes believe in the Sun as their life – saving benefactor and worship it, as when the night falls the weather gets cold, they fear the wild animals, and are unable to travel or work. As soon as the Sun comes up, they lose their fear. They also believe in the God Dragon Year. one of the concepts from the Chinese, as he is responsible for ensuring that there is sufficient water for their agriculture and that their wells are full. They hold the praying ceremony for the Dragon every year.
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