SCG Proudly Announces Product Business Developments, Underpinning Positive Market Outlook and Commitment to Myanmar

SCG, ASEAN’s leading business conglomerate, announces a series of product centric business development, reflection the company’s positive outlook on the potential of the Myanmar market. SCG hosted a celebration held on 13th August 2016 at Sedona Hotel in Yangon. To celebrate, SCG hosted a ceremony with customers, distributors, partners and stakeholders, unveiling a new product SCG Masonry Cement, announcing the transition of CPAC to SCG concrete and the launch of a consumer and product focused Facebook page. The celebration was hosted by new SCG Myanmar Country Director, Mr. Attapong Sathitmanotham, who hails from the SCG business in Indonesia. The exhibition included a look back at SCG’s history and milestone as well as booths displaying new applications and uses of SCG Masonry Cement, SCG Post – Tension and SCG Precast.
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