An Interview with Peter Chou, HTC’s Chief Executive Officer

The HTC Corporation the world’s top smart phone company opened the first outlet in Myanmar in conjunction with KMD Computer Group Working together with San Myanmar Company as a local business partner, it also manage to enable HTC smart phones to use the Myanmar Language. HTC CEO Mr. Peter Chou (a) U Than Win being a Myanmar citizen wishes to improve Myanmar telecommunications sector and to serve the interests of the Myanmar people. The following is an interview with Mr. Peter Chou.
What’s it that motivates you to come to Myanmar as an HTC official?
I have many contacts in the field of telecommunications in America and Europe. I come to Myanmar to know how I can apply my experiences to the development of this sector. That’s the main reason.
Do you have any plan to contribute to the development of Myanmar’s telecommu-nications sector?
I have a considerable number of contacts in global telecommunications industry. I’m myself in a position to invest here, if necessary, or else to urge qualified partners around the world to make an investment here. I can also offer advice, I welcome you with open arms. What I mean is I just wish to know in what way I can help Myanmar as a Myanmar citizen by way of paying back that debt of gratitude I owe to this country.
How would you evaluate Myanmar’s telecoms sector?
You’ve got to start again at the very basic level. The first thing we should do is to improve the quality of network and voice data service is just as important. There’re two kinds of service; service provided to users and service that has something to do with application experience. We’re pioneers in the field of smart phone and mobile internet worldwide. In future, as I see it, smart phones will be used to provide services by means of cloud computing technology in video entertainment, e-commerce mobile pay-ment, etc.
Would you please let us know what it’s that you found must fulfilling throughout your career as a leader at HTC?
It’s the greatest fulfillment for me to have been able to make HTC become a truly innovative world-famous brand. Regarding my background, you know, I’m an emigrant engineer from Myanmar. My DNA as an innovator has its origins in Myanmar _ a feat that gives me a feeling of fulfilment.
To became CEO of HTC _ was it your childhood ambition?
No, never had I ever thought of that, even dreamt of that. My dream was all about inno-vation. I’d wished to be a physicist since my middle-school days. Later on I began to study physics electronics and mechanics. My life long dream. I should say, is to be one of the best engineers in the world capable of innovating.
Which do you consider yourself to be _ an engineer or an innovator?
I think I would rather speak of myself as an innovator.
Do you think it is the right time for foreign investment in Myanmar?
The time now in Myanmar is a momentous period. Here you have lots of energy resources as well as good long-term prospects. There’re good human resources. I see the government being friendly engaged in activation to bring about good changes. These really are good things.
Translated by Nyunt Thaung
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