MIX Restaurant Myanmar

The shop we’d like to tell you about this month is Mix Restaurant Myanmar- a joint effort by Feel Group and Mix Restraurant. All things about it are of the highest grade _ service, staff uniform, cleanliness, kitchen utersills, etc. Ingredients the shop uses are from abroad.
No.68, Tawwin St., 9 Mile Victoria Hospital compound, Mayangon township, Yangon. Phone: 09-253059922; 09-253059933.
Opening Time
The shop was first opened on May 15, 2015. It is open daily from 11 am to 11 pm.
Aim and Decor
The shop’s manager Ma Khin Thaik Htwe said the idea of Feel Group working together with Mix Resturant is motivated by its desire to add variety to its menu, something different from Thai style foods, as well as its desire to open world-standard shops.
What is striking about the shop is its Thai-style colours _ blue and goldenrod _ and its eye-catching seats, with a spacious bar counter in the centre of the room. The shop offers a special 20% off coupon and gift voucher.
Thai, Chinese, Europeans and other foreign foods.
Customers’ favorites are Thai foods and sweet desserts. The prices range from 2,500 Kyats to 40,000 Kyats.
Bartenders and Chiefs
The chiefs, bakers and bartenders have more than 30 years’ experience in their jobs. They have at least 10 years work experience.
Translated by- Nyunt Thaung
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