Marek Lenarcik is a Pole who is the current general manager of Mergui Projects & River Cruises at Tint Tint Myanmar Group of Companies was recently interviewed as follows.
Why you decided to work in Myanmar?
At that time group tours of arranged in Thailand often included Myanmar and I knew about the country to some extent. In January 2011, I newly came to Myanmar and met with owner/ managing director of Tour Mandalay, a partner with the company I worked for in Thailand. So I decided on fresh experience, in addition to everybody’s excitement about Myanmar opening up and economic prospects.
Difficulties and Challenges you faced in Myanmar….
Challenges are common everywhere, and difficulties mainly arise for differences in people’s culture. Europeans would deal an issue directly, but Asians including Myanmar are less straight forward, I think. They handle a problem for resolution based on emotions, I feel. In Europe a person may make a negative response openly to nobody’s embarrassment, but here some care has to be exercised in such a situation.
Myanmar is newly awakened developing country, accompanied by a lot of problems. In the main, skilled workers are rare and the education system is lower than international. Graduates are hard to be judged for their qualification. Time has to be spent training them. Recruits are selected based on their willingness to work hard and learn, rather than the certificates they hold, or their work experience.
How do you use your free time?
Normally I have my breakfast soon after I arose from bed and do physical exercise. Then I go to work. For over time at work my exercises in the evening are occasional. Sometimes I dine out or go to the movies with friends. For quiet solitary living I read or do something else in my flat. I have to go on local travel, and sometimes abroad.
Myanmar foods you like best
Almost all Myanmar foods, especially pure Shan fare, appeal to me. I love to eat Shan foods in Shan State or at Inle Lake. Unlike most Europeans I can eat hot, peppery foods.
How many languages can you speak?
Apart from native polish, I can speak English and Spanish. Moreover I speak a little Thai and Myanmar language.
Future plans
Currently I am happy working here. We will work more to remain competitive and improve the services. Then in my free time I am set to play a consultant to some others. However, for loyalty to my employer I will not give advice to rival companies. I respect and emulate Tint Tint Group founder and so we could finally join up in partnership.
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