Mandalay Businesses’ Second Generation (1)

In economic operations succession plan is very significant. What the founder achieved, second generation members are required to push it further with new management style of the times while they are learning continuously.
Chief Executive Officer
SP Bakery
SP Bakery’s origin and present status …
SP Bakery originated in 1969 at Mogok. My grand father U Kyin Sein as Founder estab-lished San Pya Bakery which my parents – U Kyaw Win & Daw San San Myint-continued as an inheritance. ‘San Pya’ of course means to be a model, an ideal. After graduation, I felt like expanding market in Man-dalay. After restructuring and reorientation the business was rebranded as SP Bakery in 2009. Difficulties were many but I strove on. Currently there are five shops in Mandalay and one in Yangon, which was opened on 9 August, 2015. More will follow the Yangon shop.
How did you personally take it on at SP Bakery.
We siblings have been familiar with bakery work since a young age. Parents were willing to turn it over to us. After graduation, specifically in 2008, I entered the business.
Please differentiate between Founder’s time and the present.
The business conditions then and now are different. Eras are always different. The old people must have been struggling, because their business was much backward in Techno-logy. Today we’re faced with too much compe-tition and a need to be up to date with Market Trend. Modern times demands adaptation in one and every aspect, I think.
SP Foods and Target Customer . . .
SP Products now count about 200 in kind. Our branch shops sell products catering to the likes of a particular area. For example, Mandalay market and Yangon market are different. Our shop in Inya Road, Yangon targets Middle and Upper class.
SP Bakery’s plans and new ideas to continue for long in success …
SP Bakery needs to constantly watch Market Trend to continue in success for long, at the same time adapting itself to market changes. We must satisfy customer needs and wants, and remain up to date, I think.
Why is SP Bakery successful until now?
Because of our good intention and industrious-ness, I think. Our motto is ‘We Bake For You Everyday’. Good result has come from making and selling fresh, safe foods.
Do you plan your company to be listed on stock Exchange later on?
Our company has reliable staff. If management level personel are loyal and industrious enough I dream of having our company become public.
New employees’ Technology added with old employees’ Experience should take us to a better position, I think.
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