Mandalay Businesses’ Second Generation (1)

Mandalay DewDrop
Hnin Purified Drinking Water
Current status different than Founder’s time . . .
DewDrop purified water busi-ness dates back to 1996-97 of Founder’s time when it had not come into fashion yet. Some launghed out loud at the idea of selling clean water as a commodity. Today it is almost an essential item everywhere. Next, management system began as a family-owned factory but today it is hierar-chical. and technology is always chang-ing. Now filtering uses R.O system – the current best. In fill-ing it was difficult to order for machinery in the past. It has been facilitated lately, also bringing many choices. Latest filling machines are fully Auto, reduces human touch, and contamination much less. Drinking water of late has become more safe.
New ideas and plans for the company to run for long.
To uplift one’s business further means to always prepare one-self and be observant of market demands. I study strategic Management and lay down objectives and Goals in five or ten years time. Next, after considering how to go about it, what are being demanded by customers, and organizational advantages and disadvantages I set a relevant plan. Then I implement if. I am always observing and implementing to do beyond customers’ expectations. It is emphasis on Mutual Benefits. paramout is Customer Relationship whose failure doesn’t make for long-term success. So I study Customer Relationship Management Systems to correct current customer complaints. I also study customer service being given by other companies, to pick up what to imitate. Continuous learning is necessary everywhere.
How do you effect change?
In the past most businesses operated based on family spirit – to share work and benefits alike. It’s like, Everybody is responsible for every matter. Today competition is too much to allow that. Change has become necessary and I begin to seek advice from seniors. In making change, Effective Communication is most important, to give reasons for it, to make mutual benefits clear to employer and employees in detail.
What norms are used to diversify?
Founder’s main factory and market are in Muse, under the charge of Second Generation. Man-dalay Dew Drop is expansion into Mandalay market. It may be deemed New Market Diver-sity. The first norm is maintaining the good practices of parents.
Then, to personally manage the branch factory at Mandalay I studied modern Manage-ment. Later, with my foreign experience at work, added with Management systems, customer feedback and my own ideas, we’re improving the industry by the day.
Listed hopes on Stock Exchange? How are you prepared?
We’ve growth plans only yet. But with desired Market Share and Public Awareness our performance will be communicated to the public. Currently its preparation for growth only.
You education please …
I’m a BE (Civil Engineering) from Mandalay Institute of Technology. I’ve also obtained MSC (Civil Engineering) from NUS in Singapore.
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