Justin Sway CEO MMONE online Company JobNet.com.mm Shwe Property.com.mm

Education & Work Experience
I was graduated as Bachelor of Computing from Monash University in Melboune, Austra-lia. I was born in Myanmar, and has lived here untol age 4 with family here. Then my education and initial work in Australia followed. I established a software company called Fast Track, running for 20 years. After its sale to a private Equity I set up a Recruitment Software company in Australia- New Zealand, with Head Operations Based in Europe. Our company, a leader in Recruitment, functions in 16 countries. We have got some 40 percent of the Australia market.
How did you study and choose Myanmar to do business?
I was away from the place-of-birth Myanmar for 40 years. On visiting the relatives with father in 2012 I began to explore online oppor-tunities with 2-3 employees in Researching, Software and Marketing. Job Market.com came to be in 2013. I have hired Expats based in Myanmar. They are updating the job market information, the economy, politics, as well as the internet status. Local law experts were approached for advice. Thus I have come to Myanmar in March to promote sales.
I was astounded on arrival here. All have changed: the infrastructure, condos. There is a lot of FDI, and Internet has faster connection. There-fore in April 2015 I launched Shwe Property.com at its present location of Dham-maceti Road, Kamaryut Township. It is the first Myanmar website in Real Estate, seaing strong competition from websites local and foreign. By mid-2015 Shwe Property Website is seeing about 20,000 visits per day.
Challenges exclusive to Myanmar you have faced…
The challenge is two; one is no easy recruit-ment. It is a fairly common problem around the world, but Myanmar’s seems to be more difficult than others. Three years ago Myanmar had about 50 international companies only; in 2016 Myanmar is likely to have 50 more inter-national companies. So it remains a big challenge to entrepreneurs to recruit skilled workers in a developing country like Myanmar. Secondly the personnel are to be retrained. So we have to invest a great deal in training. My initial per-sonnel received sort of training in that I had worked together with them in Marketing, IT etc. Formal courses will take them 3-4 years, but on-job training cover the same in about six months. Another challenge is infrastructure.
Your View on Property Online Trend
Online trend in Myanmar and suchlike is found to concentrate largely on office Job, property and car Online Market. Shopping is popular at normal. We seized the opportunity to firstly invest in property, not only financially but experientially also. Our website for Myanmar Real Estate seems to be astounding at about 20,000 visits perday. But it is even bettered by Job website, which was launched only after licensing and IP steps were taken care of. job Website have invited 500,000 Job Applica-tions in a month. Next year it should double, I think.
Economy-wise, what do you expect of politi-cal change in 2016?
That is one reason which made us launch our business in 2015. By that time the infrastructure and national economy were growing fast. The main factor that drove us is much-quickened Internet connection. I have believed in Myanmar elections, and the economy now looks positive. Out of about 150 international companies investing in Myanmar our partners Cocal-Cola, Unilever, RMA, RISG, 1GA, CDSG and others should grow gradually, bringing along more employees in their thousands.
The Future Plan
Our Fast Track operation ran in Vietnam and Australia, to remain No.1 at both. We are pro-viding best service to clients at Shwe Property and JobNet. Whatever sector we are in, we will try to be No.1.
I read Biographies of successful people, and publications like Harvard Business Review. I have an Entrepreneur Network in operation.
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