Interview with DR.MAUNG MAUNG GYI, Grand Prize winner of NPCI 2008-2009

Nikon, one of the best-known camera makers in the world, regularly holds Nikon Photo Conteat International – NPCI. In NPCI 2008-2009 a Myanmar emerged winner of Grand Prize, assumed to be the highest in Nikon awards.That winner DR.Maung Maung Gyi of Mandalay, a medical doctor as well as a serious photography hobbyist, was interviewed by Lifestyle magazine.
How come you participated in the photo conteat?
I have won the Grand Prize only after several attempts.The photo was taken in beautiful lighting to my linking, going well with the subject of a Buddhist novice. So I chose it as my entry for the NPCI.
Where was the award presentation hold? And what did you receive?
It was hold 22 October 2009 at Special Style Photo & Electronic company office in Ahlon, Yangon. The prize consisted of Nikon DSLRD3 digital camera and lens 14to24mm and 24to70mm with Name Crystal Coating. It should be worth more than USD 7000.
What types of contest were held? And when?
For adults the two categories were: Our Planet and Free Subject. The tite, At the heart of the image, is Nikon’s motto also. For youths Emerging Talent Awards are presented.
The photo contest dates back to 1969, and winners are chosen in Japan. There are 10 international referees. It is held every other year, Like, 2006-2007,2008-2009,etc.
How many contestants and entries in 2008-2009?
There were 18,00 contestants from 153 countries with 51,000 photos as entries.
Is this Grand Prize the first won by Myanmar?
It is correct. Significantly there are Nikon 75th Anniversary Award in commemoration of Nikon Lens birth and 1st Prize also. So Grand Prize is two cuts above that of the 1st.
How did you prepare for weating the winning photo?
It was taken at Dhattaw Mountain on the east of Kyaukse. A photo I took at the same tiyr buy years ago had won a TODAY prize. But its menits are quite different than the present winner, and this has made me aware of changeability of a photographers outlook defending on his age and experience. Rays, usually feature in the winning photo. Here rays, become quite pronounced upon their contact with evening sunshine. Morever, the novice falls at the centre of Lighting, Like under spotlight.
How did you get to name it Cave of Hope?
The Dhattaw Mountain has nothing to do with Cape of Hope, but the novice could entertain Hope. Anyhow the title was thought of at the last minute before the photo was submitted.
Any difficulty taking the winning photo?
A little instruction had to be given to the subject. Lighting was slight in the cave so Nikon Lens in combination with Tripod had to be used.
How do you feel about the prize?
I feel overwhelmingly happy, for the sake of my country, my race, This contest is hand to compete, what with a great number of professionals from developed countries participating.
How did were you when you started taking pictures?
At about aged 12, in Black and White. I personally developed photos through Contact print.
Any photography course attended? Your mentors?
No courses attended but I read a lot of trade literature. My mentor were: U Chit Wain in Art of Photography; U Yoe Sein in B/W Processing and Printing, U Bo Gyi(Ah Hla Su) in colour Negative Printing and Processing; and U Htay Win (Bank) in colour Slides Processing, etc.But the technical aspect is self-taught.
My strength lies in Land in Landscape, and Postcard-perfect scenery is what I would like to share with other s in appreciation. Landscape work requires timing-like Golden House of early morning and evening when the rays would make the subject look three-dimensional and competed in Portraiture in the past. I am often on the panel of judges, including thatof the MPS. I have done away with the use of Models.
Your best-loved photo?
There is one, taken two years ago. The Landscape in Aungpinlae on the east of Mandalay, just after the rain has stopped. There is a hint of a rainbow, and the colours are just night. But the photo has not been entered in any competition.
Which cameras do you use?
I am a Nikon User. I take along three Nikon cameras on my trips-with Wide Angle Lens,Mid Range Zoom and Telephoto the Lens often. Otherwise a photo taken with a sensor-enabled digital camera will have speeks.
How about improving photo quality?
There are: No.(1) Print Quality-Chemical texture is good and Lighting is properly spread out. No(2) Emotional Appeal – The photo arouses emotion in the viewer, striking him with beauty, pleasant feeling, etc . No.(3) Originality-Follower of one’s principles, but no imitation. No.(4)-Vitality-The photo is virtually alive. No.(5)-Unity- Single concentration in composition. Say, a photo which depicts 3 persons, each looking to the side he likes, has no Unity. Then a photo with several persons, all looking at a nursing mother in action, has Unity. No.(6) Infinity-The photo is endlessly thought-provoking. No.(7) Repose- The photo, once viewed, invites a repeat viewing. And No.(8) Title- The photo corresponds to the title given.
How to balance out among idea, skill and technology?
It is no use just pressing the button, with a camera pressed against the eye. Firstly plan, to have the form you fancy. Next, Location, then lighting of your choice. Subject is another matter. All these are important. Sometimes you plan well and go to the night location, but the result twins out a failure because weather and Nature might have come into play.
What are the advantages and disadvantages between film and digital cameras?
Standing out with films, I was biased towards them in the past. But the digital has a lot of advantages. First at provides for instant reviewing so that errors made can be corrected soon enough.
Another thing: the digitals film speed (also called ASA on 150 ) can be changed with the rush of a button. In the film camera the whole film roll has to be changed.
Your advice for Myanmar photographers to measure up to international level.
Mainly they should create and renovate. Compete internationally as much as possible, and locally too. Then comes reading literature on photography, keeping abreast with equipment and accessories, using Internet, and a study of paintings. Read trade literature always.
Is a Gallery of your own under consideration?
It is most probably in Mandalay. A book on photography will come out. I have collected photos and a 1000-plus rolls of film used which are being digitized.
Anything to add?
Particularly I would like to usage the photo graphers in Myanmar to work up to the higher levels. I pray that they win Nikon prize throught great efforts in coming years just like. I did only after several years of attempt.
The best Prizes Dr. Maung Maung Gyi has won
The Best Photographer of the year in Myanmar 1994
Award AMPS Photographic Degree 2002
Award FMPS Photographic Degree 2002
Nikon photo Contest International (NPCI) 2008-2009GrandPrize
30th Anniversary All Myanmar Photo Contest Colour Pictorial 1st Prize
30th Anniversary All Myanmar Photo Contest Colour Slides 1st Prize
33rd Anniversary All Myanmar Photo Contest Colour Pictorial 1st Prize
Mazda Photo Contest International, 1993 1st Prize
World Environmental Day Photo Competition, 1993 1st Prize (Black & White)
Maternal Breast Feeding Day Photo Competition, 1994 1st Prize (Colour)
2000 Asian Culture Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) Prize for Excellence (Okamoto Prize)
World Red Cross and Crescent Photo Competition, 1990, Excellence Award
Traditional Art and Culture of ASEAN, January 2000, Yangon, Special Prize
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