Health House

Address, Phone number
Health House (Waizayandar): No.97(B), Waizayandar St, South Okkalapa township, 09-7877877 and 09-450450881. Health House (Nat Mauk Yeik Tha): 21(B), nat Mauk Yeik Tha St, Tamwe township Yangon, 09-787778772 and 09-45045088. Open daily 11 am to 11 pm. Email address:
When first opened?
Health House (Waizzayandar) was first opened in November, 2015 and Health House (Nat Mauk Yeik Thar) was opened in March. ”It was opened because I’m interested in doing this kind of job as a private business, “said its director Daw Nan Thanda Aye. The aim is mainly for health, not for beauty.
Foot massagem body massage, oil massage, signature oil massage, Herbal Compress, cupping and coining and also ear candling. Beauty services include facial treatment, body treatment, Sauna, Shampoo & Blow Dry, Hair Treatment, Manicure, Pedicure etc.
Popular Service
Many people like the shop’s Signature Oil Massage. The oil used is a mixture made in-house of three kinds of oil. It’s a scented mixture that is relaxing, smooths your nerves and induces sleep.
How long is the best?
Normally massage should take 90 minutes for the best result. That’ll make for better relaxation and a sufficient time for thorough massaging. For foreigners it is usually 120 minutes, which gives a full relaxation.
Foot massage is available for 20,000 kyats, oil massage for 30,000 kyats, and Signature oil massage for 35,000 kyats.
Most clients
Most of the clients are Myanmar. Regular customers are from Europe, Germany, France, Italy and Canada.
At present the House has 15 skilled workers. There is a plan for each House to have eight Myanmar skilled workers and two Thai skilled workers. There is also our in-house training programme. As for the director, she said, she had attended the international training Massage School (ITM) in Chaing Mai’, ”The manager,” she said ”keeps the workers under constant supervision.”
Future plan
The House will keep trying to maintain the present level of its service quality. There is a future plan to open as many as five branches, say, in Mandalay and Nyapyitaw. There is also a plan to affiliate itself with ITM for the benefit of those aspiring to get international certificate. There is a plan for a spa and beauty products with Myanmar medicinal herbs as the base.
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