Delicious Thargu

One of the well-known delicacies in Myanmar, is Thargu (Sagu), in the form of either a sweet-meat or porridge. Thargu refers to the white, hard, tapioca grains which are extracted from the starchy roots of Cassava, a tropical plant. The Thargu Pyin (pronounced Byin), amixture of boiled Thargu grains, sugar syrup and a bit of salt, is also a kind of jelly. This sweetmeat is just like a dessert after meal. It can be seen at the donation ceremony as a special dessert and it’s also the favourite food of the ones who like sweets.
Thargu with a form of porridge includes Mont Kyazi, a snack made of small balls of boil-ed rice (which look like lotus seeds) in palm-sugar (jaggery) syrup. Thargu porridge is made by boiling Thargu grains in water, and sweet-ened with sugar including shredded coconut, palm-sugar (jaggery) syrup or coconut milk. It is a nutrient as well as an appetizer for children, old people and recovering patients. Thargu porridge is served to guests at some social gath-ering especially on Sabbath days. It is available at roadside-stalls or from street hawkers.
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