Daw Tint Tint Lwin, Helmsman of Tint Tint Travels & Tours, Yandapo and Irrawaddy Princess II

Among the many changes happening in Myanmar the tour business is picking up a very significant role. Thus several manner of luxury cruise to take in the lovely Myanmar culture of the countryside and beautiful natural environment on the part of foreign visitors are now available. And it is wondrous that some of the leaders in this business are women, including Daw Tint Tint Lwin, head of Yanapo Luxury Cruuse, Irrawaddy Princess II Luxury Cruise, and Tint Tint Travels & Tours Agency. Today interviews her below.
How did you start up?
I was a German-Language tour guide during 1999-2009 at a Swiss company German clients, that is, Germans and German-speaking Swiss and Austrians are much attracted to Irrawaddy riverine cruise, Mandalay-Bagan, or Mandalay-Bhamo-Myitkyina-Bagan. I have personally studied their Tourism in Europe, where cruises are very expensive and cheap cruises last about 20 minutes only. In Myanmar, the wood for shipbuilding is cheaper than other countries, let alone labour costs. Thus I first set up a Travel Agency capitalized on my earnings as a Guide. Then I got to build a teak boat, Yandapo Day Cruise. Without a cabin, this boat still achieved considerable success because the fillings and furnishings were up to international standard and service was at our level best. But my local colleagues and foreign visitors suggested another new boat so I bought Irrawaddy Princess II to have its furniture and decoration in accord with European Design, and service and safety upgraded.
Do you achieve your aims held in young adulthood?
In my youth I was overwhelmingly interest-ed in foreign languages, and believed that with a through knowledge of a foreign language the people’s socioeconomic life becomes under-standable to you and you can work abreast with them. Since I matriculated I tried to learn several foreign languages, especially German. I was determined, through using them, to achieve the goal of my desire.
Please elaborate on how hard you made efforts as a town guide?
Born of a civil servant family, I have had to work harder than others. In 1998 I went to Institute of Foreign Languages for a diploma, majoring in German. A tour guide for a Swiss company since 1999. I used to be well prepared always, like to-do list for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow, how to deal with all passible consequences. I was everywhere taking care of all sorts of tour like biking, trekking, birds watching but I did not highlight our needs and difficulties but used diplomatic ways. For example, at poor communities I explain that though people have less money they still have some livelihood, family, and rich natural resources so that the foreigners start to oppreciate and not look down upon Myanmar mentality.
Translated by – U Khin Aung
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