Daw Aye Hnin Swe Managing Director, Mango Media & Mangosteen Public Relation

Your entry into working life and work experience
I first worked for Bates Advertising in 1994. The industry gradually captivated me yet I had a stint at Unilever in 1997, only to return to Bates in 1998. Then a job in Lao PDR followed. By 2004 international advertising agencies were coming to Myanmar, perhaps to establish their presence. Former co-worker at Bates beckoned me, and I returned home and with partners found Mango in 2004.
Difficulties faced on the lunch of Mango…..
The difficulties were aplenty; Myanmar was in economic doldrums. I was only aged 35 and inexperienced in private owned business. One exception: my business partner and myself were entrepreneurial, we know market and had advertising experience. Based on it, we went forth. However business means management of finance, management of human resources. That’s finance was concerned with our own money of investment, not other’s. Our parents and their offspring, ourselves, are not superrich. We worked hard and save money. Naturally, as a woman I was little worried about making an investment of my saving. But I did invest in the industry of my choice. What with the country’s development status at that time our clients had been hard won. Initially we had only seven employees, but the they were all former co-workers, and we were happy working together again, Their industriousness was the best strength that helped us overcome other obstacles.
An unforgettable challenge
At first, challenges were numerous because I was in charge of two businesses. The major challenge was financing. I had saved enough to have brought two condo flats. I was reluctant to sell them or ask for parent’s money. I was in a dilemma, but finally I sold off the two flats out of strengthened self-confidence to get investment money for business. That was a biggest challenge to me. Another point in dealing with clients. Their demands were sometimes almost too much to satisfy. The prospective deal was worthwhile while our principles could be at risk. Finally I got to make a decision, to have the consequences put aright later.
Your own motto….
My motto always is: Mutual reliance, like that between the silt – created island and the reed. Don’t emphasize one’s interests only, but take care of both side. Then it will be Win Win solution, and a success also. In life I take a great fancy to the tumbling Kelly. Whatever the difficulties, they will cease on day. If you fall down, the need is ability to get up only.
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