Mr Balaji Ramaswami, MD since July 2015 of Germany-based Rocket Internet’s branch business property website was asked of his experiences and views on Myanmar’s real estate industry at a

DAW NANN MARLAR HTUN Mandalay DewDrop Hnin Purified Drinking Water Current status different than Founder’s time . . . DewDrop purified water busi-ness dates back to 1996-97 of Founder’s time

In economic operations succession plan is very significant. What the founder achieved, second generation members are required to push it further with new management style of the times while they

In economic operations succession plan is very significant. What the founder achieved, second generation members are required to push it further with new management style of the times while they

Education & Work Experience I was graduated as Bachelor of Computing from Monash University in Melboune, Austra-lia. I was born

What is Wave Money? Wave Money is Join Venture between Telenor and Yoma Bank. The goal is to provide reliable,

HR role in today businesses has become very important, to be handled at the top by women also. With a

Our hope for the appearance of State policy goes for two; one of them is domestic policy. This could invite

In what ways is it possible for Myanmar to play a larger role in forming new connections for regional trade
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Heineken, the Dutch Beer Company, has entered into a joint venture agreement with privately-owned Alliance Brewery Company Ltd (ABC) t o brew and sell HEINEKEN beers in Myanmar starting with