The sixth month of Myanmar Lunar Calender “Tawthalin” corresponds to September. Heavy monsoon begins to subside though it still rains, the precipitations are only drizzles because storms are leaving the

The fifth month of Myanmar lunar calendar is Wakhaung corresponding to August. It is the mid month of Buddhist Lent, so it is called Wa (Lent) Khaung (middle). The south

One of the most revered aquatic flowers around the world is Lotus [Nelumbo Neifera]. Though native to Southern Asia, it grows easily in water bodies in all countries except in

Jasmine, a fragrant white flower of vines or shrubs of genus “Jasminum” is native to Asia. Widely used for adorning

Kasone, the second month of Myanmar Lunar calendar corresponds to May, warmest the month of Myanmar summer. Myanmar old saying

Every month of Myanmar Lunar calendar has designated flower of the month. Tagu, the first month of the calendar has

Thingyan, literally change, marks Myanmar New year, ie the old year changes to the new. At that time of every
class="post-2778 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-articles category-culture tag-flower tag-tha-byey" id="post-2778">

Botanically Thabyey (Eugenia Jambolana Lamk) is the genus of clove plant. It is named after Eugene who was the Prince of Suvoy (1663-1736). It grows wild or cultivated anywhere in