Glenn van Zetphen has been a working journalist for 28 years for the likes of CNN International CNBC Asia, NHK and Discovery Channel Magazine, among many others. His Singapore-based consultancy,

The Strand Hotel is one of the British-colonial buildings still standing intact in Yangon. Built in 1901, it was renovated in 1920 and 1930. The following is an interview with

ASEAN Youth Forum was held at Diamond Jubilee Hall, Yangon University on 17th to 19th March 2014. The 3 days event featured parallel Sessions, Workshops, Discussion and Excursion

At a place not very far from the great city of Tagaung, there was a young man by the name of Maung Pauk Kyaing (or just Pauk Kyaing) studying under

EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht visits Myanmar to reinforce trade relationship and launches a Handbook for Exporters on EU

Launching of Negotiations of the Investment Agreement between the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the European Union Joint

Biography in brief… Michael Schaible, 36 years old, born and raised in Germany, married with one son. In his free

Wong Marn-Heong, Assistant Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singa-pore, presented ASEAN-BAC Survey at

The Myanmar month “Tabaung” in the twelfth and the last month of Myanmar lunar Calendar and coincides with March. Tabaung
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Come Tabodwe (February), the eleventh month of the Myanmar calendar, we have the harvest festival and the making of htamane,