The capital Automotive Ltd has been appointed sale agent for British-made Jaguar Land Rover at a ceremony held 3-3-2014 at Sedona Hotel Yangon. Jaguar Land Rover Service Centre is scheduled

Special Style Photo & Electronics, Nikon Autho-rized Distributor, held their ‘I am Tagu Promotion’ on 5 March, 2014 at Myanmar Photographic Society, Yangon. Promotion runs from March 5 – May

The Popa Art Festival accompanied by a book fair went on under the arrangement if the last leaf Gallery from 28-2-2014 to 2-3-2014 at People’s Square, Yangon. The activities included:

SCG, one of the top conglomerates in South-east Asia, held its annual SCG Build with Pride ceremony 12 March, 2014 in Yangon in dedication to its centenary of economic activities

Come Thingyan it will be 10% Discount and another 5% Member Discount at TRENDY Fashion & Sports Show Room at

Easy do-it-yourself recipes for some Myanmar snacks_traditional delicacies people in Myanmar enjoy eating or drinking during their New Year and

Every month of Myanmar Lunar calendar has designated flower of the month. Tagu, the first month of the calendar has

You have probably seen Road to Hope, the TV ad produced in Myanmar wherein two children from Bagan manage to

You might be wondering what the title of this article means. Well, the two hyphenated words are Myanmar words. Waso
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The Yangon Photo Night Festival co-organized by French Culture Centre and International Media Support was held at the former’s location