Aid & Development Asia Summit 2017 will be held on 14-15 JUNE

Aid & Development Asia Summit will be held on 14-15 June 2017 at the MICC-2 in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. The summit will gather an excellent panelists panel from NGOs, UN agencies, regional governments and the private sector will addresses the following topics … Mobile for Development Programmes Trends in Myanmar and Southeast Asia, Innovations and Policies to Support Community Resilience & Food Security, Building a Culture of Resilience & Strengthening Disaster Preparedness, Early Warning System, Data Collection and Mapping, Technologies and Initiatives for Meeting Education SDGs in Myanmar, Building Successful Public-Private-People Partnerships, Innovations and Best Practice to Tackle Communicable Diseases, Improving Maternal and Child Health, as well as WASH practices, Data Strategy to Support SDGs, Communications, Connectivity and Social Networks, Humanitarian Logistics: Getting Aid into Areas of Reduced Infrastructure and Cash-Based Programmes and Financial Inclusion.
The Aid & Development Asia Summit offers two days of presentations, engaging panel and round table discussions, case studies; networking lunches and an evening reception on Wednesday 14th June to meet with top-level decision- makers and influencers in Asia humanitarian aid and development sector. For more information, please visit
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