Oxford Business Group organized Myanmar Panel Discussion under the topic “Impact of the new investment law and Companies Act on Myanmar’s business climate”

Panel discussion concerning the new Myanmar investment law was organized by Oxford Business Group on March 23, 2017 at Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake, Yangon. A lively discussion on the topic “Impact of the new investment law and Companies Act on Myanmar’s business climate” was conducted by US Embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission Kristen F. Bauer; International Finance Cooperation (IFC)’s Senior Private Sector Specialist Charles Schneider; AYA Bank’s CFO Azeem Azimuddin; Kelvin Chia Yangon’s Partner Pedro Jose F. Bernardo; and Thura Swiss’ CEO Dr. Aung Thura and the panel was moderated by Managing Editor for Asia, Oxford Business Group Paulius Kuncinas .
After the panel the respective speakers answered for the attendees’ questions which they wanted to understand more about the new investment law and Myanmar’s current financial situation.
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